to Indonesian

NUMBER 6 OF 1967




1. that animals are creatures given by Almighty God to human to be thankful and to be utilized;

2. that homecountry Indonesia has great potential in the field of husbandry;

3. that this potential should be utilized for the prosperity, welfare, improved living standards and fulfill the animal protein needed by the people;

4. that existing regulation and legislation in the veterinary are no longer appropriate as the legal basis for the organization of the businesses;

5. that all required new foundations to educate and build the field of husbandry and animal health;

6. that it is necessary to be developed and established a Law that lay the foundations to build husbandry and animal health field as well as attention to chapter XIII of article 31 paragraph (2) of the Constitution 1945;

In view of:

1. Article 5 paragraph (1), Article 20 paragraph (1) and Article 33 of the Constitution of 1945;

2. Decree of Temporary People's Consultative Assembly No. XXIII/MPRS/1966;

3. Decree of M.P.R.S. No. XXXIII/MPRS/1967;

By joint approval with Gotong Royong House of the Representatives


To stipulate:

Law concerning Basic Provisions on the Husbandry and Animal Health


Article 1

Meaning of some terms:

Referred in this Law and its implementing regulations by:

a. Animals: are all the animals, which life is on land, whether cultivated or wild life;

b. Domesticated animals: are animals that most of the way of life determined by humans for the specific purpose;

c. Grove: is a group of animals in same species, which have same form and nature of the ancestry;

d. Cattles: are foster animals that their life on the place, growth, and utilization are arranged and controlled by humans and kept as a producer of special materials and services that are useful for the purpose of human life;

e. Farmer: is the person or legal entity and or husbandry labor, the livelihood partly or wholly sourced by husbandry;

f. Husbandry: is livestock cattle;

g. Pure husbandry: is the way of husbandry, where cattle breeding is done by way marriage between animals in one family;

h. Crosses: is the way of husbandry, where cattle breeding is done by way marriage between animals of one genus but different families;

i. Husbandry company: is husbandry business, carried out in certain place, and livestock breeding and benefits arranged and controlled by the breeders;

j. Contagious animal disease: is disease of animals, which is dangerous because it can quickly spread from animal to other animal or human and is caused by viruses, bacteria, worms, protozoa and parasites;

k. Anthropozoonosis: is the disease, which can be transmitted from animal to human and vice versa;

l. Veterinary public health: is all the matters, relating to animals and substances derived from animals, which directly or indirectly affect human health;

m. Expert: are veterinarians and/or farm scholars, also others are based on education and science determined as an expert by the Minister;

n. Animal welfare: human effort to breed animals, which includes the maintenance of animal life sustainable with reasonable care and protection.

Article 2

General purpose

In the field of husbandry and animal health care, it is reformed and developed with the main purpose of the addition of production to improve the lifes of farmers of Indonesia and to be able to meet the needs of food derived from cattles for all the people of Indonesia fairly and enough.

Article 3

Business fields and auxiliary tools

1. To achieve the objectives as intended in Article 2, the Government held a reform and development in the business field:


3. In conducting this effort in paragraphs (1) and (2) in this article, Government to encourage and give priority to the implementation of self-help of the people.

Article 4

Procurement of land, water and fodder

1. To ensure the supply of forage in sufficient quantity and good quality, then:

2. Use of land and water for husbandry business need is matched with plant for land utilization that set by the Government.

Article 5

Prevention element of extortion

The government prevents the actions in the field of animal husbandry, which contains elements of extortion against another person.

Article 6

Common grazing land

Common grazing land only reserved for husbandry business, which has only a few of cattles.

Article 7


Government regulates the legal status, authority, and responsibilities of experts.


Article 8

Husbandry purposes

Husbandry held for the purpose to:

Article 9

Forms of husbandry

1. Husbandry held in the form of:

2. People’s husbandry is cattles breeding conducted by people such as farmers in addition to the farm business.

3. Husbandry company is cattles breeding conducted in the form of a commercial company.

4. Breeding efforts are held by not disturbing the public tranquility, which is regulated by the Government Regulation.

Article 10

People's husbandry

1. Governments try as much as possible to organize farm.

2. Government try to develop and build legal entities are required such as cooperations and so forth.

3. For the activities of such legal entities, Government may prepare facilities such as the credit field.

4. To legal entities such as cooperation can be given authority to issue letters of pedigree cattle of other animals under the provisions to be stipulated in Government Regulation.

Article 11

Husbandry company

Husbandry company can only be held by Indonesian citizens or Indonesian legal entities which are wholly owned by citizens of the Republic of Indonesia, without prejudice to the possibility of cooperation with foreign capital in the field of husbandy company, which will set out in separate regulations.

Article 12

Control and balance of the land for cattle

By Government Regulation, it is arranged number and type of cattle, which may be bred in a certain area of land to suit the circumstances and the balance of the land with cattles.

Article 13

Procedures for breeding.

1. To maintain and improve the quality of a group of cattle, then:

2. The matters as intended in paragraph (1) of this article shall be regulated by or based on the Government Regulation.

Article 14

Livestock zoning

1. For the spread of cattles evenly across Indonesia, it is necessary to remove cattle on a large scale and planned.

2. Removal of cattle as intended in paragraph (1) shall be regulated by or based on the Government Regulation.

Article 15

Husbandry industry

1. Government regulates, fosters, assists, and control the growth and development of materials processing industries are derived from cattle.

2. The matters as intended in paragraph (1) are further stipulated by or based on Government Regulation.

3. In the processing of food ingredients derived from animals should pay attention to the elements of beliefs held by the people.

Article 16

Trade in cattles and substances derived from cattles

1. In the field of trade in cattles and materials derived from cattle the Government seeks to reduce the number of intermediary between producers and consumers, the interests of producers and consumers. It is further stipulated by or based on Government Regulation.

2. Imports of cattles and other animals are primarily intended to improve the quality of cattle and animals in Indonesia.

3. Government determined the amounts of cattle, which may be exported abroad. Except with the permission of the Government or an appointed official, the castration of cattle that can only be exported abroad.

4. To provide for areas needs of cattles will be slaughtered, Minister determines provisions of the shipment of cattle from areas of excess cattles, to areas that need it.

5. The government attempted to provide the transport facilities of cattles and materials derived from cattle in sufficient quantity.

Article 17

Profit sharing of cattle and cattle leasing result

1. Husbandry based on profit-sharing is the delivery of cattles as a trust, which is deposited by catles owners to others, to be nurtured carefully, farmed, with the agreement that within a certain period the deposit is paid back in the form of cattles offspring or in any other form approved by both parties.

2. Certain period as intended in paragraph (1) not be less than 5 (five) years, in case of the breeding based on these returns are large cattles. For small animals that period can be shortened.

3. If the return of catles carried out in the form of cattles, the number of cattles which must be given to the owner is the original amount plus one-third the original amount of cattles offspring.

4. Further provisions on the matter set forth in paragraph (2) through paragraph (3) of this paragraph is stipulated by or based on Government Regulation.

5. Level II Local Governments with respect to article 5 and article 22 of this Law may make regulations on the lease of cattles in their area by follow the instructions of the Minister.

Article 18

Besides determinded in above articles, effort to improve the breeding by the following:


Article 19


1. Animal health matters including such as, rejection, prevention, eradication and treatment of animal diseases, either in bulk or in individual.

2. Veterinary public health matters including such as matters of health foods of cattles origin, and the affairs of animal diseases including anthropozoonosa.

3. Animal welfare matters including sucsh as, maintenance, transportation, utiliztion, cutting and killing of animals.

Article 20

Animal diseases

1. Rejection of animal diseases including the activities of a denial of entry of animal diseases into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

2. Prevention of animal diseases include:

3. Animal disease eradication efforts include:

4. Treatment of animal diseases including efforts:

5. Government issued regulations to implement the matters as intended in Article 20. Implementation of those efforts as well as the delegation of authority is set by the Government Regulation.

Article 21

Veterinary public health

For the interest of human health and the maintenance of society safety, as intended in Article 19 paragraph (2), by Government Regulation established provisions on:



Article 22

Animal welfare

For the interest of animal welfare, it is stipulated by Government Regulation provisions on:

Article 23


To complement the article 20 paragraph (4b), then:

1. The Government is providing medicines in sufficient quantities as well as regulates and supervises the works, supply, distribution, and use.

2. Conduct scientific investigations of materials of animal drugs.


Article 24

Criminal provisions

1. Implementing regulations of this law can include criminal sanctions as a punishment of imprisonment or confinement and/or fines.

2. Animals, objects and other materials involved with, acquired for or used to commit the crimes as intended in paragraph (1) of this paragraph may be forfeited to the State, and if need be destroyed by the State.

3. The offenses as intended in paragraph (1) of this paragraph according to the nature of the act can be distinguished between crimes and violations.

Article 25

Special Investigator

Upon the recommendation of the Minister, the Minister/Head of the Police Force may appoint officials especially Veterinarian, the authority to conduct the investigation of criminal offenses in the articles above, besides police officials and Prosecutor officials are concerned.

Article 26

Transitional provisions

While the implementation regulation of this Law has not been established, the existing regulations remain in force as long as not contrary to this Law.


Article 27

This Law may be called the Veterinary Basic Law and came into force on the date of promulgation.

For public cognizance, this Law shall be promulgated by placing it in the Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia.

Legalized in Jakarta,
on July 8, 1967
On duty President of the Republic of Indonesia,
General of Army